Capabilities Reference

Jumio transactions execute workflows that pass a set of credentials associated with an end-user account to a sequence of capabilities. Each capability evaluates one or more types of credentials and renders a decision about each credential or credential part that it evaluates, along with supporting details about the decision.

This guide provides information on current Jumio capabilities that may be called by a workflow. For each capability there is information about:

  • Dependencies on other capabilities.

  • Prerequisites for using the capability (if any)

  • Supported credential types.

  • The textual labels that may be returned to support the decision.

  • Other data that is returned (if any)

This information is intended to help with interpreting transaction results, whether they are viewed in the Jumio Portal or obtained programmatically by calling Retrieval APIs.

Example Response JSON

Calling the workflow details API returns an array of JSON objects, with an object for each capability that was called by the workflow. The following example shows the JSON object for the usability capability. The object contains an array with a JSON object for each credential that was evaluated by the capability, along with the decision that was rendered and the supporting details.

"usability": [
               "id": "97d9c80d-7f5c-4036-92c7-4942aaf79a65",
               "credentials": [
                       "id": "f203a9d4-31d7-4241-811e-35c68dc7a513",
                       "category": "ID"
               "decision": {
                   "type": "PASSED",
                   "details": {
                       "label": "OK"
               "id": "61428d14-76d4-4e39-9f0e-2195543dbae8",
               "credentials": [
                       "id": "0d502495-f6e6-4bd1-bb01-cac81e2692cc",
                       "category": "SELFIE"
               "decision": {
                   "type": "PASSED",
                   "details": {
                       "label": "OK"
               "id": "887a0687-9b81-4607-93e2-d0285c41655d",
               "credentials": [
                       "id": "5799456a-7db3-4aca-bbff-f7b4f904de52",
                       "category": "FACEMAP"
               "decision": {
                   "type": "PASSED",
                   "details": {
                       "label": "OK"

Capability Execution Dependencies

Workflow execution consists of a chain of multiple capability executions (usability, extraction, image checks, …) with some capabilities requiring the results of those executed earlier in the chain.

Because of these dependencies, some capabilities should not be executed if any of the previous ones were not successful because they were REJECTED or NOT_EXECUTED.

If, for example, usability has passed, but extraction got rejected with the reason TECHNICAL_ERROR, the consequent imageChecks and dataChecks cannot be executed because of PRECONDITION_NOT_FULFILLED. The precondition in this case would be to successfully pass extraction.

Current dependencies are:

  • usability –> extraction -> imageChecks –> dataChecks

  • usability –> liveness

  • usability –> similarity

  • usability –> authentication

  • usability –> extraction -> imageChecks –> watchlistScreening

  • usability –> extraction -> imageChecks –> addressValidation

  • usability –> extraction -> imageChecks –> proofOfResidency

  • usability –> extraction -> imageChecks –> drivingLicenseVerification

Note: In some cases values may be uploaded as a part of a DATA credential, rather than being extracted from an ID or DOCUMENT. In those situations the dependencies listed above may not apply.